Bio2Pure™ launches CoviPure™ Disinfectant Proven to Kill Coronavirus in 60 seconds

3rd August 2020

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Bio2Pure™ are delighted to announce the launch of CoviPure™ after a series of successful independent tests proving its 100% efficacy to kill Coronavirus in under 60 seconds.

The independent tests have demonstrated:

  • 100% effective at killing Coronavirus in under 60 seconds 
  • 100% effective at killing other viruses and bacteria including Influenza, Ebola, HIV, Hepatitis C, and E-coli 
  • Fully Derm tested meaning any contact with hands/skin will not produce any reactions also meaning no protective equipment is needed 

The product is based on a stable chlorine dioxide formulation.  Its application is on surfaces which can be sprayed or wiped which includes cloth, metal, plastic and marble surfaces as well as the air within an enclosed space (i.e. an aeroplane).  Bio2Pure™ have also defined a visible safety standard to be displayed in environments treated by CoviPure™ allowing the general public and workforce to feel safe in the knowledge that the product is free from Coronavirus.  The company is recommending this “Standard” to be shown on treated hotel rooms, rental cars, shops, restaurants, trains, airplanes and many more. 

The commercialisation process now begins with applications where there is any kind of human contact thus eradicating the threat of Coronavirus.

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