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CHF Media - Daisy and Ollie

Posted: 08-03-2019

Daisy and Ollie

daisy and ollie Gary image


Cartoonito: Season 1 and 2 are continuing to perform incredibly well on the channel and Carrtoonito would like the opportunity to build the brand into their long-term channal planning. So much so, that they have issued a letter of intent to acquire a further 52 episodes - series 3 and 4. This long-term channel commitment ensures longevity of the brand to our fanbase for a further five years.

The 22-minute Christmas Special episode, titled, 'What's so great about Christmas anyway?' starring Gary Barlow was a great success for the channel with high viewing figures, great press and social media engagement. The episonde premiered on Saturday 1st December and was show every weekend throughout December which increased viewership on each transmission...

To read more please download CHF Media's Q1 investor brochure, found here: CHF-Investor-Brochure-Q1-2019.pdf