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Goarbnco have won a £641,000 contract from the UK government to build a prototype of the firm’s Digital Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP).
The contract is the second phase of a UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy innovation competition to help small businesses become more energy-efficient.
The platform will be rolled out nationally after completion in April 2021.
DEEP will help small businesses automatically optimise their total energy consumption and evaluate the energy performance of their location.
Data on energy consumption and building energy performance retrieved automatically or supplied by the businesses is fed into the platform. It then produces a tailor list of recommendations and changes the business can make, costing, and where to find and finance any upgrades.
The project is led by arbnco and guided by expertise from British Gas and Scottish Gas parent company Centrica, Energy Systems Catapult, Aston Business School, Durham County Council, and sustainable finance company, Cyan Finance.
Centrica will help arbnco get the platform to market.
“By providing SMEs with critical insight into their energy use and tailored retrofit recommendations, based on an assessment of the energy performance of their building and patterns in their energy consumption, we can help thousands of businesses become more energy-efficient,” said Andrew Stewart, research and development manager at arbnco.