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GovTime are developing a virtual reality platform for innovative virtual communication.
vTime is the first-ever XR social network where you can hang out with real people in incredible virtual destinations, in either VR or AR. Cross-platform and now cross-reality, vTime XR offers freedom of choice for both device and type of immersive experience through the option of AR, VR or 2D magic window mode. While VR users will be fully immersed in one of vTime XR’s detailed destinations, AR users will join in by placing a live 360-degree diorama of the destination on any real-world, flat surface. AR users can easily interact with others, change and scale their view of the destination, as well as having full access to vTime features such as avatar customization, image sharing, private messaging, and more.
vTime is free and available now for Windows Mixed Reality, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go, Oculus Rift, iPhone, Android, Google Daydream, and Google Cardboard. Support for PSVR and HTC Vive is coming soon.